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See What Your Immigrant Quiz

Results Say About You

You are a striver. You have reached certain heights in this country...accomplishing several of the goals you dreamed of back home.

You’ve either gotten an advanced degree, adjusted your immigration status, found love, birthed children or started a business in the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is your home now.

You have a very strong support system here in this country, almost as strong as the one you built back home.

You have assimilated well into American culture. Your accent has been reduced. Your family has visited and you can accommodate them with first world fanfare. You may have even picked up American pastimes like watching pigskin football, window-shopping and swapping weeknight meals for an UberEats delivery.


Still, just because you have grown accustomed to American privileges, you will not forget from whence you came. You will not accept defeat easily because returning to your home country is no longer an option. 

You have business plans to create. You have moves to make. You have milestones to meet.

There are others like you, you know. A community of immigrants in the in-between phase.

If the next few statements are you...

Image by Anthony Reungère

Promise me you'll leave the in-between phase behind and...



CAN'T travel overseas for more than 6 months at a time

CAN'T apply for well-paying government jobs

CAN'T file for my mom or brother to come to the U.S.

CAN'T expand my business overseas because I need a U.S. passport

CAN'T vote in the next election that affects me

CAN'T live or work abroad even though I got an offer to do so


Serve on a Jury

Young Black voters

Vote in Elections

US Passports - Free Travel

Travel Without Restriction

Citizens Make More Money

Earn Higher Income

Immigrant Man Now Naturalized Citizen

Apply for Government Jobs

Arab Family All Naturalized

Children Automatically Become Citizens

Daughter Files for Mother in Home Country

Reunite with family





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I'm Tiffani 

Professor and Author

15+ Years of Professional Experience in Teaching and Journalism.

Featured on

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A native of Miami, a hotbed for immigration, I witnessed - firsthand -  the results of inadequate immigrant education. Thousands spent on dishonest lawyers. Years spent in USCIS limbo. Applications rejected.  For more than a decade, my dad - a well-known local business owner - and I assisted new immigrants and their families in filing for status adjustments and finding them employment.


I worked for years as a journalist where I developed a passion for accuracy and  investigative research skills while under the tutelage of Pulitzer-prize winning journalists all the while telling the stories of those caught in the throes of a complex immigration system. Currently a professor of communication studies at a university in Miami, my work has been featured on CNN, LifeZone TV and Discovery Channel. My goal — to help immigrants avoid the pitfalls and disappointments that are 100% avoidable - WITH THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE.

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With the USCIS under fire, I want to help you FINALLY take your citizenship application seriously and file online.

Do you know WHY?



You can thank me later!!!!

USCIS will issue a fee increase for a great many immigration applications by Oct. 2. The naturalization fee, in particular, will go up to over $1,000.

USCIS application and petition receipts have “dropped to half their previous levels and with them, agency revenue.”  So, USCIS has fewer than normal files to review because of the pandemic. This is perfect timing for you!

Many applicants have the misconception (maybe you do too) that USCIS has stopped accepting applications. That's just not true. As of Spring 2020, they have advised applicants to file online to alleviate staff pressures.

Many immigration applicants have lost jobs, gotten discouraged and stopped their application. You have less competition. 

Law Offices are backlogged or operating on limited staff, causing them to slow down their filing process

Here's Some of What You'll Learn

Over the Next 30 Days

However, NOT everyone is a striver. In fact, some people don't want more out of their immigrant story.

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3 Very Good Reasons Why you Should NOT Enroll in this Course

You LOVE spending money

On top of the $500 fee hike in October, some people love hiring lawyers for stuff like this.  Lawyers cost a pretty penny and they don't possess a magic pill in getting your case processed faster than anyone else's. In most cases, an immigration attorney will charge you a rate of $150-$300 per hour.  Unless you have a criminal background, you do not need a lawyer to apply for citizenship.


Some law firms will charge you a set fee for the entire process. For a firm to file your US citizenship application,  you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to a whopping $3,000.

The biggest problem is that lawyers are not obligated to offer you  coaching for this price. They ONLY file your documents. They are not obligated to work on test and interview prep, biometrics prep or oath ceremony prep with you. You're on your own for that stuff. So, what exactly are you paying for? If it's just to fill out the N-400 Form and submit the required documents, you can learn how to do that yourself...AND YOU WILL!


You LOVE submitting Paper Applications Via US Mail

Listen...this pandemic has made us have to adapt to doing almost EVERYTHING online. Since the USCIS started adapting many of their forms and applications for ONLINE filing, you can bypass 1) the cost of printing the forms and documents 2) the cost of mailing the documents 3) the inconvenient wait that comes with USCIS notices in the mail

According to the USCIS, "the case status information on their website is updated regularly throughout the business day. If any action is taken regarding your case, the change will be reflected on this site within a few minutes of the action-taking place."

If you really want to go the hard copy route, you can. But, know, it will be the the main method of correspondence for updates on your case and it's NOT FAST. One applicant who applied online mentioned in a forum that she got her naturalization interview in half the time of her friends who applied via the mail.


You have time to waste 


If you're someone who is fine with JUST remaining a permanent legal resident of the States (with restrictions on your travel, family filing and government benefits) for another 5 years... this course is NOT for you. 

But, if you're a person who has goals to hit and wants to make their mark as a citizen of this great nation, then you actually NEED your file to be expedited.


We can help you ONLY if You're someone who CANNOT afford:


1) to wait weeks for new case statuses to be updated through the mail

2) to make costly mistakes on your N-400 Form

2) to wait weeks for an invitation to an Application Support center to take your fingerprints

3) to fret because your oath ceremony notice got lost in the mail

4) to risk your application being rejected because of poor prep

5) to pay an additional $500 to the USCIS because you waited


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